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Mba Essay Examples
Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Qilinâ€The Chinese Unicorn
Qilin-The Chinese Unicorn The qilin or Chinese unicorn is a legendary mammoth that represents good karma and thriving. As indicated by convention in China, Korea, and Japan, a qilin would seem to flag the birth or passing of an especially big-hearted ruler or sage researcher. On account of its relationship with good karma, and its serene, veggie lover nature, the qilin is some of the time called the Chinese unicorn in the western world, however it doesn't especially look like a horned pony. Truth be told, the qilin has been portrayed in various manners throughout the hundreds of years. A few depictions express that it has a solitary horn in its temple thus the unicorn examination. In any case, it might likewise have the leader of a mythical beast, the body of a tiger or a deer, and an oxs tail. The qilin is once in a while secured with scales like a fish; at different occasions, it has flares all over its body. In certain stories, it can likewise ramble flares from its mouth to burn detestable individuals. The qilin is commonly a tranquil animal, be that as it may. Truth be told, when it strolls it steps so softly that it doesnt even curve down the grass. It can likewise stroll over the waters surface. History of the Qilinâ The qilin first showed up in the verifiable record with the Zuo Zhuan, or Chronicle of Zuo, which depicts occasions in China from 722 to 468 BCE. As per these records, the main Chinese composing framework was interpreted around 3000 BCE from the markings on a qilins back. A qilin should have proclaimed the introduction of Confucius, c. 552 BCE. The originator of Koreas Goguryeo Kingdom, King Dongmyeong (r. 37-19 BCE), rode a qilin like a pony, as indicated by legend. A lot later, during the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644), we have strong authentic proof of in any event two qilin appearing in China in 1413. All things considered, they were giraffes from the shore of Somalia; the extraordinary chief of naval operations Zheng He took them back to Beijing after his fourth journey (1413-14). The giraffes were quickly announced to be qilin. The Yongle Emperor was normally incredibly satisfied to have the image of insightful administration appear during his rule, kindness of the Treasure Fleet. Albeit customary delineations of the qilin had an a lot shorter neck than any giraffes, the relationship between the two creatures stays solid right up 'til the present time. In both Korea and Japan, the term for giraffe is kirin, or qilin. Across East Asia, the qilin is one of the four respectable creatures, alongside the mythical serpent, the phoenix, and the tortoise. Individual qilin are said to live for a long time and can carry infants to meriting guardians much in the way of storks in Europe. Elocution: chee-lihn
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Desalination Solution To The Freshwater Crisis Environmental Sciences Essay
The main ground for drinkable H2O shortage in Singapore is the way that it is encircled via ocean H2O, unsatisfactory for assimilating. At present, the state has made practical H2O gracefully from its ‘Four National Taps ‘ , which comprises of water supplies, imported H2O, recovered H2O ( NEWater ) and desalinated H2O. ( â€Å" Water Supply †) The exploding populace is other than expanding the quality of drinkable H2O request, doing deficits.Problems Associated with Drinkable Water ShortagesThe boss reason for craving, malady and need is the lack of perfect, safe soaking up H2O. ( â€Å" Why Water? †) Crops would be not able to turn doing craving. Utilization of sullied H2O is the main source of ailments. Locales missing in safe, assimilating H2O have a higher pace of expire and infections. People groups are sick all the more every now and again, and can't work. This keeps the part from advancement. Provincial battles over rare H2O assets may follow in fig hting. ( â€Å" Water Scarcity †) Figure 2 shows the H2O shortfall around the universe. hypertext move convention:/ Figure 2 †Water Deficit ( Hydrogen Ambassador )Desalination †How can it go to drinkable H2O deficits?The greater part of H2O on the Earth is seawater and Singapore is encircled by it unnecessarily. On the off chance that this H2O was changed over into safe, drinking H2O, the activity of drinkable H2O shortfalls would be simple settled. This is the place desalinization plays its capacity. The methodology of taking salt from saltwater to make new water is called desalinization. ( Aintablian, †Water Desalination †) A turning figure of desalinization workss are being worked around the universe to go to the activity of new water shortfalls. The two boss strategies for desalinization are distillment and the film strategy. In the methodology of distillment, an extent of strategy are utilized to disintegrate saltwater, them consolidate the fume, to acquire non-saline H2O. The film methodology has two sorts, viz. rearward assimilation and forward assimilation. Rearward assimilation is where pre-treated saltwater is siphoned through a somewhat porous layer at high power per unit zone, which isolates disintegrated splines from the H2O. Forward assimilation includes the regular system of assimilation ; H2O going from an amazingly thought part to a piece of low focus. This methodology permits it to obviously occur, then again of pressuring it through a power for every unit region inclination. In this methodology, the saltwater goes through a mostly porous layer to a concentrated arrangement of ammonium hydroxide salts, go forthing salt particles behind. The ammonium hydroxide salts are vanished and can be reused. ( â€Å" Tuas Seawater Desalination Plant †) The methodology is appeared in Figure 3. hypertext move convention:/ Figure 3 †Seawater Distillation Process ( Glowac )Positive Impacts of DesalinationSupplying new water to nations with restricted assets is the central purpose of desalinization. Networks get furnished with a sheltered and trustworthy flexibly of new water. Singapore itself has no immediate beginnings of new water with the exception of water. The state needs to import around 2500 gallons of H2O from Malaysia each twelvemonth. To drop the pace of import, it makes utilization of the saltwater it is encircled by. Desalination helps increment the aggregate of safe drinkable H2O accessible and spares lessenings import of H2O from states with large totals of new water accessible. This is lessens the general expense, since H2O movement is a costly issue. It gives a reliable and promptly accessible start of H2O in occurrences of horrible drouth. It turns into a need in the current clime in expanding temperatures, spread trip populace and impractical groundwater. ( â€Å" The Advantages of Desalination †)Negative Impacts of DesalinationEven however desalinization is an utile method, it has its general switches. Discarding the waste salt arrangement will build the grouping of salt in the H2O. This will do the method harder and may hurt the creatures under the ocean. The desalinization technique is a costly one and requires a bunch of vitality. Since most vitality is gotten from petroleum products, it is supposed to be an undertaking of taking one natural issue over the other. The expenses are significantly higher if parts off from the coastline or at high statures, look for using desalinated H2O. Numerous assets would be required to move H2O from the sea or a natural structure of salty H2O to far separations and high statures. ( Aintablian. â€Å" Water Desalination †)Factors influenced by DesalinationEconomic Factor For †Desalination helps states with constrained beginnings of new water to hold dish to drinkable H2O, without holding to manage transport costs. Riches can be made by desalinization, as it builds the open doors for advancement of agribusiness, industry and touristry in states with a rare H2O flexibly. These adjustments will undoubtedly raise the general salary of a section. Some immediate occupations and pay can be normal from desalinization workss. Seawater desalinization is a plausible alternative is beach front parts which discover desalinization more cost-productive so moving H2O from different parts. ( What is Desalination? †Benefits ) Against †Desalination is a costly system. It turns out to be progressively costly when the salt H2O should be moved to districts off from the coastline or those at high statures. Financially steady states like Singapore can bear to build desalinization workss and change over huge proportions of saltwater, however other third universe states standing up to the new water emergency may battle to pay for desalinization workss to be opened and for large proportions of H2O to be moved and changed over. The ground the expenses for desalinization are so high is on the grounds that rock solid apparatus and hardware is required to change over salt H2O into new water quickly. Not all states have the spending plan or land to develop factories with such costly hardware. In this way, despite the fact that the desalinization system is an incredible answer for the new water emergency, we presently can't seem to show signs of improvement of the costs required to run it. Figure 4 shows how buildi ng is advancing to do the strategy of desalinization less truly won. hypertext move convention:/ Figure 4 †Decline in Seawater Desalination Costs Represents Evolution in Technology ( Hayes ) Ecological Factor For †More than 97 % of the H2O known to mankind is seawater, which implies there is little H2O for the universe ‘s turning H2O request. The immature universe can non trust on an individual start of H2O any longer, and holding a trustworthy answer for the new water emergency eases accentuation on the new water accessible ( What is Desalination? †Benefits. ) The H2O movement frameworks utilize an extraordinary exchange of vitality and do air contamination. Desalination workss set deliberately helps decline the natural effect. Water made accessible during drouths would secure against H2O deficiencies. All the more new water would be accessible for utilization in agribusiness. ( Dorward. â€Å" The Benefits of Desalination Plants ) Against †The technique of desalinization requires a clump of vitality. Since most force beginnings are before long gotten from petroleum derivatives, desalinization has a manus in planetary warming. The building system would be tedious. In this manner, it would disturb nature. The waste salt arrangement is discharged go into the ocean. This expands the convergence of salt in the saltwater and this may hurt the creatures under the sea. Since increasingly salt requests to be evacuated, more vitality must be utilized and it prompts a higher wastage of petroleum products. Figure 5 shows the minerals being released into the ocean and this is the thing that makes the method harder and it requires more vitality. This release may other than consolidate low groupings of synthetic concoctions utilized in the method, which could hurt condition touchy nations ( Younos, Tamim 11. ) Even however desalinization is the best answer for the universe ‘s new water emergency, it has natural is sues must be comprehended before it very well may be utilized around the universe on a major graduated table. hypertext move convention:/ q=tbn: ANd9GcSHEXi_HxYsF0cbcqyC6gRNp2i18V0j4QXFTCcwIXO0RrVCFL1bCA Figure 5 †Minerals are released into the ocean, and the desalinization strategy requires more vitality ( MEWR | Desalination ) Word Count †1, 256
Monday, August 17, 2020
10 Days and Counting! - UGA Undergraduate Admissions
10 Days and Counting! - UGA Undergraduate Admissions 10 Days and Counting! Ten days and counting until the January 15 deadline for Regular Decision applications, part II of the application for deferred students, and any and all required materials! My suggestion is to try and take care of things a few days early, just in case of any unplanned problems. I have had students in the past who have waited until the last day, and suddenlycomputer problems, car crashes, or major personal issues have come up. Our office is flexible with materials that a student is not always in control of (teacher recommendations, transcripts, etc.), but not as much so with things of which you are in control. In addition, while we do not look at applications submitted on the deadline differently from any other applications, rushed essays, misspellings and sloppy errors show up in many of the deadline applications. You want to put your best foot forward with your application, so make sure it is not rushed and submitted last minute. As well, when you submit things at least a week or more before a deadline, it makes it easier for my office to match things up before the big rush of materials hits (which means less nervousness by you as you look at your status check and see that things have matched up with your file). I expect that we will get 30+ bins of mail during the week surrounding the deadline, and it takes a while to get all of it into our system and matched up with applications. So be patient with us as we pull everything together, and we will all make it through the deadline safe and sound! Go Dawgs!
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Common law Free Essay Example, 1500 words
Unilateral contracts are common when one of the parties is offering a reward for the finding of a specific item. The person offering the reward would only have to make the payment if the other party found and returned the lost item. Katie could also safeguard her interests by the inclusion of conditions or warranties into the agreement. In Poussars v Spiers (1876)5 the court concluded that the obligation to perform was a condition of the contract and as Poussard was unable to perform the respondent was entitled to repudiate the contract. In Bettini v Gye (1876)6 the court held that a breach of warranty had occurred when the plaintiff failed to arrive for rehearsals as promised. The respondent was not entitled to repudiate the contract but was entitled to compensation for the breach of the warranty given by the plaintiff in which he agreed to arrive in London 6 days before the concert for the rehearsals. It is often easier for the courts to determine the intention of the parties if the terms of the contract are in written form7.We will write a custom essay sample on Common law or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/pageorder now Oral agreements can be difficult to enforce, as the party relying on the oral agreement has to prove that such an agreement was in fact made8. It might also be advisable for Katie to hire an architect or surveyor before undertaking the work, as they would be able to advise on the necessary work required. Case 2 In contract law an offer is deemed to have been made when that offer has been communicated to the other party. This means that if the offeror offers to sell an item either verbally or in writing, the person receiving the offer is entitled to accept the offer and enter into a contract with the offeror. Until the offer has been accepted and consideration has been paid the contract will not be regarded as binding on the parties. If an offer is communicated in writing, and includes a deadline by which acceptance must be communicated, the offer remains valid until the deadline date has expired. The courts have recognised the difficulties in ascertaining the validity of an acceptance of an offer in relation to the communication of that acceptance. This was first recognised in Adams v Lindsell9 in which the court was asked to decided when a contract is deemed to have been formed if acceptance is communicated by post. This case posed difficulties due to postal delays and the parties not being simultaneously aware of the communications. In Adams the court stated â€Å"Where the circumstances are such that it must have been within the contemplation of the parties that, according to the ordinary usages of mankind, the post might be used as a means of communicating the acceptance of an offer, the acceptance is complete as soon as it is posted10†.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
5ytyt Free Essays
Funding Jill Moran’s Retirement Annuity Sunrise Industries wishes to accumulate funds to provide a retirement annuity for its vice president of research, Jill Moran. Ms Moran, by contract, will retire at the end of exactly 12 years. Upon retirement, she is entitled to receive an annual end- of-year payment of $42,000 for exactly 20 years. We will write a custom essay sample on 5ytyt or any similar topic only for you Order Now If she dies prior to the end of the 20-year period, the annual payments will pass to her heirs. During the 12-year â€Å"accumulation period,†Sunrise wishes to fund the annuity by making equal, annual, end of the year deposits into an account earning 9% interest. Once the 20-year â€Å"distribution period†begins, Sunrise plans to move the accumulated monies into an account earning a guaranteed 12% per year, At the end of the distribution period, the account balance will equal zero. Note that the first deposit will be made at the end of year 1 and that the first distribution payment will be received at the end of year 13. Please answer the questions listed below. . Draw a time line depicting all of the cash flows associated with Sunrise’s view of the retirement annuity. 2. How large a sum must Sunrise accumulate b the end of year 12 to provide the 20-year, $42,000 annuity? 3. How large must Sunrise’s equal;, annual, end-of-year deposits into the account be over the 12-year accumulation period to fund fully Ms. Moran’s retirement? 4. How much would Sunrise have to deposit annually during the accumulation period if it could earn 10% rather than 9% during the accumulation period? How to cite 5ytyt, Papers
Monday, May 4, 2020
Oedipus The King (1083 words) Essay Example For Students
Oedipus The King (1083 words) Essay Oedipus the KingOedipus the KingThe events in Oedipus the King, writtenby Sophocles, show an underlying relationship of mans free will existingwithin the cosmic order or fate which the Greeks believed guided the universein a harmonious purpose. Man was free to choose and was ultimately heldresponsible for his own actions. Both the concept of fate and free willplayed an itregal part in Oedipus destruction. Although he was a victimof fate, he was not controlled by it. Oedipus was destined from birth tosomeday marry his mother and to murder his father. This prophecy, as warnedby the oracle of Apollo at Delphi was unconditional and inevitably wouldcome to pass, no matter what he may have done to avoid it. His past actionswere determined by fate, but what he did in Thebes, he did so of his ownwill. From the beginning of this tragedy, Oedipustook many actions leading to his own downfall. Oedipus could have waitedfor the plague to end, but out of compassion for his suffering people,he had Creon go to Delphi. When he learned of Apollos word, he could havecalmly investigated the murder of the former King Laius, but in his hastiness,he passionately curses the murderer, and in so, unknowingly curses himself. Upon the murderer I invoke this curse- whether he is one man and all unknown,or one of many- may he wear out his life in misery or doom! If with myknowledge he lives at my hearth, I pray that I myself may feel my curse.(pg. 438; lines 266-271)In order for Sophecles Greek audienceto relate to the tragic figure, he had to have some type of flaws or anerror of ways. This brought the character down to a human level, invokingin them the fear that it could happen to them. And Oedipus certainlyis not one without flaws. His pride, ingnorance, insolence and disbeliefin the gods, and unrelenting quest for the truth ultimately contributedto his destuction. When Oedipus was told (after threatening Teiresias),that he was responsible for the murder of Laius, he became enraged andcalls the old oracle a liar. He ran away from his home, Corinth, in hopesof outsmarting the gods divine will. Like his father, Oedipus also soughtways to escape the horrible destiny told by the oracle of Apollo. The chorus warns us of mans need to have reverence for the gods, and the dangersof too much pride. If a man walks with haughtiness of hand or word andgives no heed to Justice and the shrines of Gods despises- may an evildoom smite him for his ill- starred pride of heart!- if he reaps gainswithout justice and will not hold from impiety and his fingers itch foruntouchable things. When such things are done, what man shall contriveto shield his soul from the shafts of the God? (pg. 452; 975-984)Oedipus unyielding desire to uncover thetruth about Laius murder and the mystery surrounding his own birth, ledhim to the tragic realization of his horrific deeds. Teiresias, Jocastaand the herdsman tried to stop him from pursuing the truth. Take for examplea part of the last conversation between Jocasta and Oedipus. After realizingthat the prophecy had came true, Jacasta begs him to just let the mysterygo unsolved for once. I beg you- do not hunt this out- I beg you, if youhave any care for your own life. What I am suffering is enough. (pg. 461;1158-1161) Oedipus replies, I will not be persuaded to let chance of findingout the whole thing clearly. (pg. 461; 1166-1167) He is unable to stophis quest for the truth, even under his wifes pleading. For it is in hisown vain that he must solve the final riddle, the riddle of his own life. .u900539549ba8cf83770977d81abd5abf , .u900539549ba8cf83770977d81abd5abf .postImageUrl , .u900539549ba8cf83770977d81abd5abf .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u900539549ba8cf83770977d81abd5abf , .u900539549ba8cf83770977d81abd5abf:hover , .u900539549ba8cf83770977d81abd5abf:visited , .u900539549ba8cf83770977d81abd5abf:active { border:0!important; } .u900539549ba8cf83770977d81abd5abf .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u900539549ba8cf83770977d81abd5abf { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u900539549ba8cf83770977d81abd5abf:active , .u900539549ba8cf83770977d81abd5abf:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u900539549ba8cf83770977d81abd5abf .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u900539549ba8cf83770977d81abd5abf .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u900539549ba8cf83770977d81abd5abf .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u900539549ba8cf83770977d81abd5abf .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u900539549ba8cf83770977d81abd5abf:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u900539549ba8cf83770977d81abd5abf .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u900539549ba8cf83770977d81abd5abf .u900539549ba8cf83770977d81abd5abf-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u900539549ba8cf83770977d81abd5abf:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: One flew over the cuckoo’s nest Persuasive EssayUpon discovery of the truth of his birthfrom the herdsman, Oedipus cries, I who first saw the light bred of amatch accursed, and accursed in my living with them, cursed in my killing.(pg. 465; 1300-1303) Oedipus knew that his fate had indeed come to passand feels cursed by it. The chorus then sings an ode on the sorrow of lifeand the tragic fate to which even the most honored, like Oedipus are ultimatelysubject. What man, what man on earth wins more happiness than a seemingand after that turning away? Oedipus you are my pattern of this, Oedipusyou and your fate! Luckless Oedipus, whom of all men I envied not at all. (pg. 465; 1305-1311)At the end of this tragic story, when Oedipusgouges out his eyes, the chorus asks him what god urged him to blind himself. Oedipus replied, It was Apollo, friends, Apollo, that brought this bitterbitterness, my sorrows to completion. But was the hand that struck me wasnone but my own. (pg. 467; 1450-1453) He claimed full responsibility forhis actions. Oedipus was guilty of killing his father and marrying hismother, but perhaps the true sin lay in his overzealous attempt to raisehimself to the level of the gods by trying to escape his fate. The choruschants about how in prosperity, he was envied by all men, he was honoredhighest above all honors, and how he won happiness by pride (by slaughteringthe Sphinx, and by trying to deceive the gods will.) But, how ultimately,Odipus was judged for it, causing a reversal of fortune in his prosperouslife. The fact that Oedpius motives for killinghis father, Laius, and wedding his mother, Jocasta, it does not take awayfrom the horrific nature of the crimes. When he tears at his eyes withhis Jocastas broach, Oedipus is accepting the full burden of his actsand knew that he must be punished for his sins. Therefore the last actof destruction was caused by Oedipus free will, but his tragic fate cameabout because of the nature of the cosmic order ( that every sin must bepunished) and role of the gods in human affairs. The chorus concludes this tragedy by warningthe Greeks, that the only way to happiness is through humility and respecttowards the gods, (qualities which Oedipus lacked, and ultimately led tohis destruction.) They also warn not to take anything for granted, or suffera fate like that of Oedipus. You live in my ancestral Thebes, beholdthis Oedipus,- him who knew the famous riddle and was a man most masterful,-not a citizen who did not look with envy on his lot- see him now and seethe breakers of misfortune swall him! Look upon that last day always. Countno mortal happy till he has passed the final limit of his life secure frompain. (pg. 470; 1643-1670)
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